20 mars 2013

Stiligt igen av Animal Equality

"Stiligt igen av Animal Equality."
Animal Equality gör det (återigen) stiligast i djurrättsvärlden.
"This morning Animal Equality activists stood in front of a slaughterhouse in Madrid to mark the International Meatout Day. The activists simulated a real-time ‘human counter’ to show the number of animals killed at abattoirs around the world – around 6 million every 30 minutes.

This solemn ceremony invites us to reflect on the horrors that take place inside these places.

Video: Sixto Heredia/Seis Hormigas."

Activistas de Igualdad Animal frente al matadero de Aranjuez por el Día Internacional Sin Carne from IgualdadAnimal | AnimalEquality on Vimeo.

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