29 maj 2007

Känslosamma djur, alla britter ska bli veganer och Heather Mills McCartney har redan blivit det

Ett axplock ur mediabruset:

"If you doubt that non-human animals have emotions, just look at them, listen to them and inhale the odours that poor out when they interact with friend or foe. I believe that what you see on the outside speaks volumes about what is happening inside an animal's head and heart."

Marc Bekoff i senaste numret av tidskriften New Scientist, där han sammanställt exempel på djur som uppvisar empati, lycka, sorg, illvilja, kärlek, tacksamt och vördnad. Köp om du har möjlighet. Eller slå direkt till på Bekoffs bok The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy - and Why They Matter

"Secret plans to encourage the nation to give up eating meat are being examined by the Government. A leaked e-mail expresses sympathy for the environmental benefits of a mass switch to a vegan diet - a strict form of vegetarianism which bans milk, dairy products and fish."

Det känns som att tidningen Daily Mail drar aningen för höga växlar på ett e-postmeddelande skickat från "an official at the Environment Agency, a Government advisory body".

"It is the obscenity of taking newborn calves away from their mothers so we can have their milk - a product designed by evolution for little cows, not little people, or big people for that matter."

Heather Mills McCartney förklarar i Daily Mail varför hon blivit vegan.

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